
Posts Tagged ‘email’

By James Burchill

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: “People buy when THEY’RE ready to buy … and NOT BEFORE!” Nearly 7 out of 10 people who say “No thanks” today will say “Yes!” inside 12 months. Let that sink in for a moment… that means you need to keep asking, or put in a more palatable way – keep following up.

But who has time? It’s tedious, boring work. Remembering to send that email, to mail that card, to call that client. Ick… and the rejection. The voicemail tag. It’s enough to make you want to run away and join the circus. But what if there was a better way? What if there was a way whereby a hundred digital hands lifted you up and did all the ‘dirty work’ so you didn’t have to?

Good news, this ‘nirvana’ exists and has done so for some time. Welcome to the wonderful world of marketing automation – and in this particular fairy tale: marketing automation software. Of course, in this story the tale is true. No monsters, damsels in distress and no toads to kiss. Nope, simply a case of clarity, describing the process you undertake when courting a client (marketing or selling to them) and then automating it.

Today the idea of automating marketing is not new, in fact it’s quite ‘old hat’ as solutions go. What does make it exciting are the technological advances made over the past 20 years. Today’s systems are capable of adapting and changing the flow of your messaging based on the prospects interaction with the system – that’s amazing, it’s bordering on adaptive logic!

Bottom line, if you want to increase your sales check outInfusionsoft and if you want something a little simpler – such as sequential email follow-up (no adaptive logic) then visit aWeber.

Remember, 70% of people who said no to you today will say yes within a year. Will you still be following up with them?

JAMES BURCHILL shows individuals and companies how to profit from the innovative use of Internet technologies, strategic content and social media marketing. James’ innovative and creative solutions are the select choice for those seeking an advantage, and Jim’s valuable money-making, marketing, technology and business advice is published regularly on his website. You can find out more at James’ website and you can subscribe to his J-List and get over 40 articles, reports and advice on Internet Marketing today.

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By Ken Cummings

Recent data reveals that the Google Chrome Browser has overtaken Apple’s Safari and Opera to become the third most used browser worldwide, eclipsed by only Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Mozilla’s Firefox.  Google’s HTC-made Nexus One phone is about to hit market with their own Android smart phone operating system.  With large business announcements such as these, and a knack for getting its way, it seems natural that the tech giant now takes aim at a system it considers antiquated: email.

With the specific intention of replacing conventional email across all markets, Google debuted their new service, Google Wave, in May 2009.  Part email, part instant messaging, part social networking and part wiki, Google Wave presents a protocol whereby users can alter a “Wave” together.  Into the Wave, users can recruit others, drag and drop images and videos, type and edit text and documents, and track the entire history of a Wave as made by users.

Incredibly, all of this can be done in real-time, including immediate translation between more than 40 languages.  Depending on the number of active users within the wave, it may resemble a highly tracked email, or something more like an instant messaging conversation.

Google is backing Wave protocol with its legendary business acumen across all areas: Android based phones and the iphone will support Wave applications, the platform will be open-source with hopes of other companies adopting and modifying the new standard, and Wave will integrate with Google gadgets and user-created applications.

Given the frustration associated with incorporating many people into lengthy and messy email chains, Google Wave is poised to overtake email as the dominant communications protocol, especially where group projects are concerned.

Ken Cummings is an honours B.Sc. student in his final year of undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga.   The areas in which he has focused include Biology and Socio-Cultural Anthropology, the latter through which he enjoys examining contemporary human cultures.  Ken is currently investigating Master’s programs and exploring his interest in photography.

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White rhinoceros


By Stephen Rhodes

I’ve discovered sarcasm doesn’t always play well in email, or on Twitter. It’s a waste of time in a text message. Duh!!!! works but it doesn’t really have much depth. To really express my true feelings I have to be face to face with someone and that seems to happen less and less these days.

The world is flying by and email, text messaging, status updates and tweets have replaced even the telephone as front line communication. Hardly anyone wants to pick up the telephone anymore. Are we afraid, or just so busy we don’t want to risk the pleasantries of social intercourse running longer than it takes to tweet?

I prefer telephone over email, although I admit email is often a time saver. Voice and inflection are important in conversation. Moods are easier to detect. Instructions are easier to follow and more certain.

Email is fast and leaves the impression that you are right on top of something, when in fact it’s often used as a delaying tactic. I know. I have done it.

You can’t convey passion in email like you can on a telephone or better yet , in person.

Twitter and Facebook are great communication tools but they can not replace facetime with a client. Face to face is the place where business is consumated. I have never worked with a client I haven’t met face to face. I can’t imagine I ever will until until I can project a hologram into their virtual office like Obi Wan Kenobi.

Body language is also part of the dance of commerce. Facial expressions, nervous ticks all help you better understand the needs wants and even anxieties of your client. And how will they understand your sarcasm if you can’t wink, wink, nudge, nudge?

Whatever rapport you build takes on a new dimension when you meet face to face. It’s the best way to build strong relationships with your clients.

How do you conduct business?

Stephen Rhodes is President of The Marketing PAD, a full service strategic communications and marketing company. Read Blogpad or visit  The Marketing Pad online.

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